Happy Friday!
Can you believe that it's already the end of another month? This month absolutely flew by for me. I feel like because so much has happened this month that it passed in the blink of an eye. Here are a few things I loved this month!
Family. I decided last minute to head to Minnesota to see my family. I'm glad I made the decision and it's been so nice to see my family! I was supposed to see my parents earlier this year but with the stay at home orders they decided not to make the trip. It's been so nice having some quality time with them and my brother. Also, isn't this old photo of us just too cute?
Flying Witch Manga series. I started this series because it was available at my public library. I have been wanting to read more manga and so I looked through what was available and I thought it looked sweet. So far I have really enjoyed it! The artwork is cute and the story is fun. I can't wait to see what happens with the characters!
Penguin Isle. This game is so adorable! I saw it and wanted to try it because the penguins looked so lovable. I've actually enjoyed the relaxing aspects of the game more than I expected. I check it a few times a day and always get excited to see how my penguins are doing.
Vegan food. I decided that after 5 years of being vegetarian that I wanted to try being vegan! I haven't fully transitioned but so far I've really been enjoying it! I feel energetic and I'm eating healthier snacks rather than just reaching for something high calorie but not very filling.
What were some of your favorite things this month?
Thanks for reading, I'll see you next time!
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