Summer Adventure #2: Danielle's Cabin

This past weekend me and my 2 friends Danielle and Sarah went to Danielle's cabin for the weekend. It was really fun to get away from home for the weekend and just have a relaxing weekend with some good friends! We had a lot of fun swimming in the lake, going for boat rides, and wandering around the little town. I hope that we can do it again! Below are some pictures that I took during the weekend. 

Sunset drive to the cabin

The lake was a bit chilly at first, but it was really nice being able to swim around!

The cabin we stayed in

Goofing off in the shops ^_^

Some really cool hand decorated guitars at the rock & roll museum

They found a friend! 

Rockin' out

We made some chocolate almond dino treats! They ended up being lots of chocolate and very little almond so after we ate them at the drive-in we had the biggest sugar rushes ever!

On the boat

Lake view of the town

P.S. The tea of the post is an iced raspberry tea! 
