Virgin...A Book Review

Welcome back to my blog! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season with their family and friends. I am having a fantastic time laying around my house not doing anything productive! I have just started my fourth book since being at home (#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso) and therefore have not had much to write about which explains the lack of blog posts. 

If you remember my last post (which can be found here), I discussed some of the many things that I planned to do while I was home. I said I wanted to read Virgin by Radhika Sanghani and I've done it! I liked this book a lot and I felt is covered some important topics. I hope this glowing review will get you to read it as well!

Virgin is the story of a 21 year old university student in London who has not lost her virginity. She feels embarrassed and out of place, not feeling comfortable telling anyone about her virgin status and feeling increasingly desperate to find a guy to deflower her once and for all. 

My original misgivings when I started the book changed as I continued reading; it started like a cheesy teen romance where the girl doesn't fit in and the super cool rich guy falls for her, gives her life a makeover, and makes her finally feel confident enough to accept herself. However, as I continued reading I found this was not the case. The book, although centering on a girl losing her virginity, was not so much about the romance. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was more about accepting yourself as you are and making bonds with friends (girls or boys) who love you and accept you for who you are. 

Here are a few of the things that I took away from the book:

1. Virginity isn't that big of a deal. Yes, your first time is special and you should only start having sex when you feel comfortable. However, we all need to find our own reasons to either lose it or keep it. Who cares if your friends have all had sex, in the movies people have all had sex, or those with their virginity are seen as "losers". If a girl or a guy is not ready to have sex for the first time, no one should be able to pressure them into being able to do it before they are ready.

2. If things feel strange with a friend, ask what is going on. In the book the main character, Ellie, gets into a fight with one of her best friends. They don't speak for a while and Ellie takes this as proof that her once good friend now hates her. However, she discovers later that her friend was dealing with some other, bigger, drama in her life and didn't know how to tell Ellie. Everything was just a misunderstanding but their friendship almost ended. If things are tense with someone for reasons you think are silly, don't just ignore your friend and wait for them to make the first move. Reach out to them, you never know what might be happening in their lives.

3. Accept your body! Ellie is more curvaceous than most of the girls she hangs out with and she can never accept that she looks as good as they do, simply different. After much pain and many attempts at transforming herself, Ellie finally realizes she looks good the way she is. I think this is one of the most important points the book tries to teach its readers. We are all different, but that doesn't mean that we aren't all beautiful. 

This book is quite short, 294 pages, and it is spaced quite generously. For someone who loves reading Classics (think your high school reading list) it wasn't as intellectual as some of the books I am used to reading. However, I found that this coupled with the humor consistent throughout the book made it incredibly easy to read. 

I would definitely recommend this book to all girls in their 20's. It doesn't matter if you are a virgin/not a virgin/curvy/thin/blond/brunette whatever, this book has a little something for everyone. I wouldn't recommend this for anyone younger than late teens though, since it can get pretty graphic in some areas! 

P.S. the tea of the day is citrus lavender sage ^_^
