Weekly Happiness #2

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a fantastic week and a relaxing weekend. I've had a weekend full of reading and short spurts of cleaning the house. I've been thoroughly enjoying digging into a few new books! Here are a few other things that made me smile this week. 

I started and finished Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott this week and it was just what I needed. A riveting tale of addiction and faith, it was so inspiring to hear about her struggles and how she used her faith to overcome those issues. I would love to dig into some of her other works! 

The temperatures have finally started to cool down into autumn temps! I am so grateful to finally be able to wear sweaters without sweating as soon as I walk out of work. Fall is one of my favorite seasons and I can't wait for the changing leaves and warm suppers after a long day at work.

On Saturday I decided to take a trip over to the library to look for a book and I ended up leaving with 4! Hopefully I can get through them all before they are due! I've been really into different books on spirituality, anyone have any good recommendations?

The new season of Gotham just came back and I am so excited! Gotham is one of the few shows we watch while it is actually airing and I love the excitement and suspense of waiting for each episode to come out. Don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoy the instant gratification of binging a show, but there is something fun about gearing up for a new episode of a show each week. 

What made you smile this week?

P.S. the tea of the day is dragonfruit devotion ^_^
