What I've Been Doing at Home

Happy Friday!

My job has us on two week rotations for the time being so I've been at home since March 30th and I will head back to work on April 13th. It has been wonderful having more time at home! As I wrap up my two weeks off of work I thought I would let you know what I've been doing to occupy my time (outside of doing all of my homework, of course).

I have been finding a lot of time to write. I've always loved writing and have dabbled with it since I was a kid. While at home I've been blogging, journaling, and also having fun with creating story ideas.

With all the down time that comes with being at home, I've been reading so much! I read A Gentleman in Moscow, which I will be reviewing here shortly! I also restarted Jane Eyre, my absolute favorite book. This seemed like the perfect time to reread a favorite. 

Next, I spent time knitting. My mom and grandma taught me to knit when I was in middle school and I absolutely love it. I find it relaxing and I love seeing my projects when they are finished. I finished this little pouch for my headphones and I'm working on this shawl now. 

Finally, I've spent a lot of time cooking and baking. I figured this would be a perfect time to make some recipes that are either new or I haven't made in a while. Some of the things I made were a huge batch of my fiance's favorite potato salad, my mom's recipe for banana bread, and a new vegetarian Shepard's Pie recipe

I'll definitely miss all my free time when I head back to work on Monday! What have you been doing while at home?

Thanks for reading, I'll see you next time! 
